Hospitality Leaders Most Trusted KPIs

Hotel, Gaming, and Cruise industry leaders drive their business with KPI metrics. Hospitality Industry leaders are leveraging data to continue their recovery post-pandemic. This means putting Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) into the hands of Investors, Executives, Analysts and Business Users in a fast and trusted way. 

Time to Analytics is relevant for organizations whose strategy includes information trust and effective decision-making on that information.  Occupancy, RevPAR, and ADR are just 3 critical KPI’s for Hospitality.  If manual processes and lack of trusted data prohibit clear vision to those indicators, business performance will suffer.  Providing automated, fast, and easy to consume metrics empowers leaders to lead rather than jockey Excel spreadsheets and chase a monthly truth.

Fast. Easy.
KPIs where you want them.

Front Desk Analytics uses our Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) software and leading ABI software to deliver KPI solutions built for the Hospitality and REIT industry. We have leveraged over 25 years of Hospitality and Analytics knowledge into a solution that gets our clients the insights they need and trust faster. 

Today’s hospitality leaders are agile and can consume KPI’s from many tools and have told us that knowledge of their business and processes is more critical than the tools they choose.  With that, partnership with our clients and technology leaders has given our clients “more than they expected” in delivering their KPI’s to their desktop or mobile devices. 

Consistently, effectively, and reliably produce
Key Performance Indicators

KPIs need a single definition to preserve consistency.  This definition should be centrally managed in an independent data source that can be leveraged enterprise-wide, regardless of modeling, reporting or analysis tool preference. 


Unified Business Perspective

A principal tenet to successful KPI delivery is the ability to reference a metric consistently across the organization with a single definition and an unquestionable trust regarding its fidelity.

Tool-Independent Logic Layer

Maintaining critical business logic separately from modeling, reporting and analysis software allows the client’s business to be tool agnostic. This business logic independence provides flexibility for your business.

Graduated Maturity Model

Because KPI definitions are stored as metadata, how they are populated is immaterial. In proving out the metric, Excel or flat file data could be used. After established, data can then be sourced directly from an ERP or Data Warehouse implementation.

Staffing Flexibility

Once installed, in-house technical skill and existing domain expertise can be leveraged to populate measure components and will not require ongoing dependence from external resources.

Portfolio Analytics for Data-Driven Hospitality Organizations

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